showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Adventure  Atari;Polyvox (Atari)1980 actionadventure adventureengine castle chiroptera commercial consoleclassix difficulty dragons dragons-western ending evilwizard flashback2.0 flashback3.0 flipscreens forest keys labyrinth langinsignificant license-proprietary medieval meleeweapons noalternatives secrets serious sourcecodeavailable swords thieves walking labelimagesubject
Knight on the Town  Mystique;Playaround1982 langinsignificant medieval versionvariations labelimageminimize
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Treasure of Tarmin  Mattel (Synth Corporation)1983 adnd dnd dungeoncrawler medieval prototype labelimageminimize
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Mystery  ? (M Network)1984 adnd dnd medieval noconsoleclassix prototype uvl-tiein labelimageminimize
Crossbow Atari1987 medieval score labelimageminimize
Venture II: The Abysmal Abyss  AtariAge;Coleco (Coleco)2001 crossbows gems heroprotagonist langinsignificant medieval monsters snakes subterranean labelminimizeminimize
Adventure II Atari;Syzygy Company2005 adventureengine castle chiroptera dragons dragons-western ending flashback2.0 flashback3.0 forest keys labyrinth langinsignificant medieval meleeweapons swords labelminimizeminimize